Solo Exhibition, Maison Populaire de Montreuil
Video installation: 234 A4 black & white laser prints (580 cm x 280 cm)
Video projection, color, black & white, silent, 16′, aspect ratio 16/9
This solo exhibition emerges in the context of my collaboration at the Chaosmose, a collective lecture (Chaosmose, une lecture collective), a project that related the reading of each of the chapters of Guattari’s book with performances, conversations, and musical improvisations. During 6 months I recorded each session. Upon these recordings I made the images and cover for issue 77 of Chimeres magazine and the images for the show. Un certain regard thus started off from a different subject matter rather than my own personal body of work. My interest was to experimenting with the superposition of materials and temporalities: moving images and stills, projected images over printed images. Between surface and depth, between abstraction and figuration, under an imperceptible transformation, new images and temporalities appear.